"THE LAST RACE" (7/7/2001)

[Season (9) Episode 21 / Series Episode 399]


The Rangers fight over a last donut forcing LUCAS to drive abnormally getting pulled over by a cop who gives him a ticket to attend traffic school. Meanwhile at the Cryo Prison FRAX presents the next mutant who gladly NADIRA persuades RANSIK to release next.

At a jewelry shop NADIRA makes her choice of selecting all the jewels she's tried on. She runs out in time to escape with a very good driver indeed. Her and the driver manage to escape the presence of cops as well. NADIRA giving a brand new look to the car as reward names him her personal driver.

At the clock tower, JEN reads aloud about the incident with NADIRA catching the ears of LUCAS... While NADIRA is out on pleasure riding the Rangers blast them in time to pull over. LUCAS pulls up to the mutant amazingly, they show themselves to be old buddies. Eventually demorphed LUCAS watches as his race car driving partner takes off with NADIRA.

At the clock tower, LUCAS explain the whole situation about his partner DASH and tells his fellow rangers why he ended up in jail. At the prison, GLUTO seemingly jealous watches as NADIRA makes close friend out of a newly improved DASH and soon with her new look head out to explore life in 2001. It's to the first site of shopping spree for NADIRA...

...when DASH dumps her. He appears at a restaurant mixing ketchup and a banana (yuck!). LUCAS arrives to have a little chat with him and they challenge eachother to one last race to break their tie. Unfortunately a call from TRIP telling LUCAS that he has a letter stating he's got to go to traffic school gives time for DASH to escape.

At the Silver Hills Driving School session, LUCAS doses off forcing the instructor to read out his reason for being there as well as challenging himto see how good he does on the road with him.... They are off to driving just as NADIRA successfully robs yet another store. LUCAS doing fine blows it off when he answers to JEN's call and heads off crazily driving. When LUCAS gives it a full stop the instructor runs away.

DASH challenges LUCAS and he has no choice but to follow in his conduct. He tries and continues to convince DASH to quit this nonsense. NADIRA's influence on the matter doesn't help. Seeing a ball pass by LUCAS drives to stop DASH in his tracks. DASH then sees why LUCAS did what he did and he would have ended up hurting some kids as he did before getting him into trouble.

DASH admits his faults announcing LUCAS the winner and refuses to be NADIRA's driver. Not pleased she takes matters into her own hands zapping at DASH. The Rangers arrive a long with LUCAS witness as evil begins to control DASH. Aiming towards LUCAS and throwing him in the air, he morphs.

The fight is on between the two. Eventually NADIRA joins in and blasts DASH's DNA patch forcing him to grow. The Rangers get aid from the TF Megazord Mode Red...

Eventually a fierce blast from the megazord forces DASH to come to his senses. LUCAS accepts his willingness to allow him to put him back into containment. He does so and in putting him in a canister vows he'll be a champion again someday.

At the clock tower, LUCAS does the honors to place DASH in the freezer. TRIP informs him that someone is downstairs to see him. Seeing his instructor he becomes nervous only to surprisingly realize his instructor actually wants lessons from him to be a race car driver!


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