"THE LEGEND OF THE CLOCK TOWER" (5/19/2001) [Season (9) Episode 17 / Series Episode 395]
It's late night, the Rangers try and see what the problem is with the tower's clock. TRIP finds out it's the pendulum rod. Just then KATIE ready to head up a dark hallway is stopped by WES saying she shouldn't really go up there. WES then shows her a legendary picture of the man who once resided in the clock tower long ago, named WALTER. Also stating his ghost still surrounds the tower. The other 3 Rangers think of it as foolishness but what about KATIE?
Sleeping or she not? KATIE wakes up after hearing something. Tries to take JEN who refuses to go. All dressed up KATIE heads up with a flashlight up the stairs she didn't go up before. At the top she encounters a ghost coming towards her.... Stepping to far back she falls back on the flight of stairs going through a time portal!
She lands almost getting trampled by horseriders, helped by a familiar guy, who then leaves. KATIE wonders around wondering where she can be at... she comes to a familiar site and realizes it's the clock tower. From Far she watches as that familiar guy talks to a beautiful woman.
WALTER, the familiar fellow, gets bullied by a guy named DRAKE, GWEN tries to defend him but prooves worthless. WALTER tries to stop DRAKE from mistreating her, but prooves coward. He's been ordered to unload a wagon... In doing so he meets up with KATIE again who wants to return favor for his heroic rescue before. He doubts her capabilities and is asounted when he sees her with more than he can lift.
At the clock tower, KATIE and WALTER sit and drink together. WALTER reveals his father is the one who built the tower, even shares some of his poetry he's wrote to KATIE. She finds it to be impressive unfortunately DRAKE and his buddies arrive to bully WALTER... Almost ripping his poetry KATIE interferes in time to challenge DRAKE to a arm wrestle match. She wins of course throwing him to the floor. Angry he gets up firing WALTER.
KATIE apologizes but WALTER thanks her cause he wanted to quit working for DRAKE anyway. Outside GWEN overhears DRAKE plotting something against WALTER and immediately heads into the tower as KATIE is walking out. GWEN arrives to the top and tells WALTER he's in danger but before she leaves him she states she hopes to read a book full of the poetry he writes.
KATIE arrives and tries to talk sense into WALTER. No success WALTER is on his way out on his horse. With DRAKE and his buddies arriving KATIE comes out and pushes them around a little. An infuriated DRAKE and his buddies fight against her.
Just when GWEN arrives to try and do something... almost laying a hand on her, but WALTER arrives back in time and the fight is on between him and DRAKE. A final punch to the stomach leaves DRAKE and his buddies to run cowardly. GWEN approaches WALTER and they both take off with the crowd of people applauding.
A bell sounds bringing KATIE to hear JEN awaking her in the present. It's to the scene of another battle (reused footage from "A Blue Streak"). At the sight of a new mutant, the Rangers fire a Vortex Blaster blast and force the mutant to grow. The Rangers with TF MEGAZORD Mode Blue have a hard time spotting him, until he shows himself bringing them down.
Soon after a laser attack blasts him away in time for the Rangers to form TF MEGAZORD Mode Red. A final saber attack forces the mutant to shrink down to small size.... Arriving at the clock tower, KATIE tells of her "dream" of course having a different story to what WES had told before. KATIE states that in her dream WALTER and GWEN got together and lived happily ever after surprisingly WES says she's right and heads to show her an "updated" picture with WALTER and GWEN together.
Suddenly the bell in the tower moves... frightened the Rangers wonder how that happened. As KATIE continues to makes sense of all this she comes to her senses and realizes she did actually go back in time and help WALTER change his history. BACK to Episode Guide BACK to Time For Time Force: Power Rangers Time Force Main Page |